segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016

Testing your specific stacks solutions (NodeJS / Ruby / Python, Go, etc.) with Heroku

:: Some findings from this weekend ::
        Testing your specific stacks solutions with Heroku (NodeJS / Ruby / Python, Go, etc.)
Case you need to test something on the fly, some app that needs to have some specific server 
               / stack, you can use Heroku, for instance, right from GitHub.

              You just need to place this on the readme (or a simple link,

Like Docker Hub looks for a Dockerfile, also Heroku looks for a specific config file, app.json.

E.g., from the aforementioned tutorial (better, the fork I did  to my own GitHub account):

"name": "React Tutorial Server",
"description": "Code from the React tutorial",
"keywords": [ "react", "reactjs", "tutorial" ],
"repository": "",
"logo": "",
"website": "",
"success_url": "/",
"env" : {

                Here the key is really the repository link and the BuildPack (in this case, we want to run it o
                Node.JS [and he knows that should be a server.js there, at the repository).

                At Heroku, you will be asked for an optional app name (must be unique in Heroku universe --
                else, leave it blank, it will randomly assign one), choose if you want it to run from US
Europe (AWS), click “Deploy for Free”, and you’re done.

                The example of this react tutorial, run at Heroku:

                You have all sort of control and data over it, at the Dashboard:

                And yes, you can even fire an update in the App via Commits to GitHib:

Or even DropBox file changes from a sync'ed folder!

And that’s it, for now, hope you’ve enjoyed these series of 4 posts.



Build and update Docker Containers automatically from GitHub

:: Some findings from this weekend ::
Build and update Docker Containers automatically from GitHub 
To have Docker Hub build and update containers automatically for you, triggered by any commit to GitHub:
a)      You’ll need to authorize Docker Hub to access you GitHub          
b)      Then you'll  be able to
c)       Fill or confirm the “Repository Namespace & Name”, and it will create it for you; 
d)      Next, go to 
And select where the Dockerfile file is located (inside that repo) – save changes; you can manually trigger it too from here:
(Note: you have to have a Dockerfile present there in the repo – see further notes bellow) 
e)      Check the build details to see when it has finished (may take minutes, or hours if your dockerfile has something wrong):
The tricky part is really the dockerfile – 4am+ last Saturday to get it right, namely the RUN and CMD (first: run a command – second, start a daemon, etc.)
Here are the files for react-tutorial mentioned in my prev message:

a)      Node.JS (the one that is more simple – npm install is necessary, because we need npm modules that aren’t there at the repo):

FROM node


mkdir -p /code


RUN git clone
--depth 1 --single-branch /code

RUN npm install


["node", "server.js"]

b)      And Python:

FROM python

MAINTAINER Filipe Bento 

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

RUN apt
-get update --quiet > /dev/null && \
-get install --assume-yes --force-yes -qq \
&& \
-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

mkdir -p /code


RUN git clone
--depth 1 --single-branch /code && \
    pip install
-r requirements.txt

sed -i "s/\"PORT\",3000)))/, host='', port=int(os.environ.get(\"PORT\",3000)))/g"


["python", ""]

Quite simple, once you master what’s doing.
Note that you can also compile containers right from your workspace using Docker Compose – here’s a good page about it (Dockerizing a PHP Application).

Next:  Testing your specific stacks solutions (NodeJS / Ruby / Python / Go, etc.) with Heroku

Docker full windows and Mac native Apps

:: Some findings from this weekend ::
Docker's Windows and Mac fully native Apps
This one completely flew under the radar, and after trying to find a way to have docker running on the new Windows Bash, found that end of last month was released a stable, full native apps both for Mac and Windows 
Wrt to Windows, you need to have Hyper-V active (the setup will do that for you) and it will create a MobyLinuxVM virtual machine (you can later define the # of CPU, RAM, etc., available to it, NAT / IPs, etc.). This has a very little footprint CPU usage and memory, when idle, and it increases your containers by very little in terms of overall resources (docker management). 
Once having that install finished, you can go ahead and fire a Windows PowerShell and run all the excellent docker commands. If you prefer a GUI for it, you can get Kitematic via
(explode it to some temp folder, then rename it to Kitematic and move it to C:\Program Files\Docker\ (or equivalent)). 
You need a Docker Hub account (simple to create).
From here, not even the sky is the limit: WordPress, Drupal, DSpace, OJS, Koha, VuFind, BlackLight, …, or stacks like ElasticSearch, MySQL / MariaDB / PostGres, TomCat / Nginx, Catmandu, or even OS (CentOS, etc.), all in here. 
Even simple apps, like this one from Facebook’s official React tutorial. Made a couple of them: one container running on Python and the other one running on Node.JS: search for “react-tutorial”:
(don’t use the one from “georgeyord”, it won’t work)

Use NodeJS, for instance – both are auto-deployed from the fork I’ve made from the official repo to

Note that you can have containers linked to each other, namely the ones that use MySQL or other DBs, etc.., instead of having them running inside the solution container (just deploy a mysql, and then link to it from others with “--link"). 

NEXT: Build and update Docker Containers automatically from GitHub (“AUTOMATED BUILD”) – another 4am+ (this time, Sat>Sun) until get it running with “Success”:

Enjoy, good development / exploit this to the max! 
Update: wrt to the above demo containers, I’ve just merged them into the same one, with two diff tags: latest = Node.JS and Python, running on Python. By default, “latest” (Node.JS) will be selected; to select “Python” you need to click the “…”

   then  and here you see all the possible tags  and then close and create.



Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10 (Ubuntu)

:: Some findings from this weekend ::

Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10 (Ubuntu) 

Last Friday, when checking if I had Bash available already at one of my personal laptops, I found that you have to take some action, as you won’t get the Anniversary level update as one would expect, within Windows update. Instead, MS considers this more of an upgrade than an update.

How to get it:
then run the exec (as of today: Windows10Upgrade28084.exe) to upgrade it; note that you will
need some 20GB+ of free disk space (yes, a full upgrade!), depending on your setup.

To enable bash on windows, you need to activate “developer mode”, and the turn on the Windows Subsystem for Linux Windows feature (how to).

Please note that this is not a full server stack, you’ll need to install most of it, and cutting edge ones won’t run at all: docker made me be up to 4am+ and didn’t manage to get it working (server, only the client – I shall try new kernels, though).

Also, node.js was a no go. But for LAMP, perfect -- you will need to install the stacks, though (note: run mkdir -p /run/lock, else you will get an error and Apache won't start):