segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016

Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10 (Ubuntu)

:: Some findings from this weekend ::

Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10 (Ubuntu) 

Last Friday, when checking if I had Bash available already at one of my personal laptops, I found that you have to take some action, as you won’t get the Anniversary level update as one would expect, within Windows update. Instead, MS considers this more of an upgrade than an update.

How to get it:
then run the exec (as of today: Windows10Upgrade28084.exe) to upgrade it; note that you will
need some 20GB+ of free disk space (yes, a full upgrade!), depending on your setup.

To enable bash on windows, you need to activate “developer mode”, and the turn on the Windows Subsystem for Linux Windows feature (how to).

Please note that this is not a full server stack, you’ll need to install most of it, and cutting edge ones won’t run at all: docker made me be up to 4am+ and didn’t manage to get it working (server, only the client – I shall try new kernels, though).

Also, node.js was a no go. But for LAMP, perfect -- you will need to install the stacks, though (note: run mkdir -p /run/lock, else you will get an error and Apache won't start):

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