:: Some findings from this weekend ::
Docker's Windows and Mac fully native Apps
This one completely flew under the radar, and after trying to find a way to have docker running on the new Windows Bash, found that end of last month was released a stable, full native apps both for Mac and Windows
Wrt to Windows, you need to have Hyper-V active (the setup will do that for you) and it will create a MobyLinuxVM virtual machine (you can later define the # of CPU, RAM, etc., available to it, NAT / IPs, etc.). This has a very little footprint CPU usage and memory, when idle, and it increases your containers by very little in terms of overall resources (docker management).
Once having that install finished, you can go ahead and fire a Windows PowerShell and run all the excellent docker commands. If you prefer a GUI for it, you can get Kitematic via
(explode it to some temp folder, then rename it to Kitematic and move it to C:\Program Files\Docker\ (or equivalent)).
You need a Docker Hub account (simple to create).
From here, not even the sky is the limit: WordPress, Drupal, DSpace, OJS, Koha, VuFind, BlackLight, …, or stacks like ElasticSearch, MySQL / MariaDB / PostGres, TomCat / Nginx, Catmandu, or even OS (CentOS, etc.), all in here.
Even simple apps, like this one from Facebook’s official React tutorial. Made a couple of them: one container running on Python and the other one running on Node.JS: search for “react-tutorial”:
(don’t use the one from “georgeyord”, it won’t work)
Use NodeJS, for instance – both are auto-deployed from the fork I’ve made from the official repo to https://github.com/fmbento/react-tutorial
Note that you can have containers linked to each other, namely the ones that use MySQL or other DBs, etc.., instead of having them running inside the solution container (just deploy a mysql, and then link to it from others with “--link").
NEXT: Build and update Docker Containers automatically from GitHub (“AUTOMATED BUILD”) – another 4am+ (this time, Sat>Sun) until get it running with “Success”:
Enjoy, good development / exploit this to the max!
Update: wrt to the above demo containers, I’ve just merged them into the same one, with two diff tags: latest = Node.JS and Python, running on Python. By default, “latest” (Node.JS) will be selected; to select “Python” you need to click the “…”
and here you see all the possible tags
and then close and create.
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